Tuesday, March 14, 2006

National Pi day?

I just found out that March 14th was national “Pi” day. The Greek letter Pi that is. An abstract number that helps us calculate the circumference of a circle. The numerical expression of pie is 3.14. Get it? 3/14, March 14th. Mathematicians are so funny. No wonder they have trouble getting dates. It’s hard not to giggle at the mental image of scientists and math geeks standing around Tuesday, eating pies, and laughing like Beavis every time someone says “This is real good pie.” I like math. I know how important it is that we have some understanding of the subject. I think it’s counter productive to try to make math cool, fun and hip. Math isn’t any of those things and it’s disingenuous to pretend that it is. It is what it is useful, valuable, and necessary. Part of the problem educators have today is competing with pop culture for the attention of their students. Too often they fall into the trap of a head to head battle with the latest MTV distraction for their hearts and minds. Math isn’t a temporary distraction from life’s problems and issues, it’s a tool one can use to solve the riddles and questions that life presents. Equations, Charts and Proofs have no chance against songs, shows and entertainers designed to titillate rather than educate. Titillating education isn’t a complete oxymoron but the energy we spend trying to make learning something it is not is time wasted. The Drivers Ed teacher doesn’t seem to have to sex-up his subject to keep students interested. This is because students know exactly the impact what they are learning will have in their lives. This is the challenge educators must address if they have any hope of teaching over the din of iPods and Text messages.


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