Friday, June 23, 2006

Cut and Run Campaign

Democrats are the party of the cut and run. This is the newest campaign strategy from the brilliant mind of Karl Rove. Leaving Iraq now would make the U.S. look like cowards in the eyes of the world and our enemies. This is a great campaign strategy because it limits Democrats choices of response. If they don’t respond it leaves the impression they don’t have an answer to the charge. By responding Democrats gives the charge merit and sends a message of defensiveness, which adds credence to Rove’s claim. Not to mention the resources and time democratic candidates will spend defending their patriotism. All it has cost Rove is the time it took to say three words. Cut and Run. As an added bonus it fits great on a bumper sticker and just in time for election season. Meanwhile, the issues of who’s been managing and mishandling the war, immigration, the nation’s economy and security go unexamined. Mr. Rove is great at his job. He is a master manipulator of the electorate and winner of the electoral game. Even though he was under investigation for leaking classified information for political gain he’s still able to question the patriotism of others with impunity. Honestly, credit needs to go where credit is due. Well done Mr. Rove.
Which bring us to the next point. What do Democrats do to fight back against this political logic trap set by Rove? The answer is to fight Rove’s strategy by using it against him. Cut and run is what Karl claims Democrats want to do. If Karl means Democrats want to stop soldiers from being killed without a clear mission, then yes it’s time to cut and run from such a flawed policy. Does Karl believe that Democrats want to cut and run from plans and policies that are costing taxpayers billion of dollars with no concrete return? Karl would be right. While isolating Americans in the eyes of our allies and embolden our enemies to build and seek out nuclear weapons to keep from sharing Iraq’s fate the Bush plan has wasted much in the way of time and resources. Troops on the ground have paid the highest toll. To cut and run from such policies only make prudent sense. The president’s critics have been pleading with him. Cut Rumsfield from the cabinet and run to a more cohesive and effective strategy regarding, not only Iraq, but gas prices, the economy and the war on terror in general. For months now leaders on both sides of the aisle have asked the President to cut and run from bad decisions made in the past in order to capitalize on opportunities and conditions in the here and now. Karl's found a very clever way to restate the obvious. Critics of the administration, by definition want to cut and run from these failed strategies. Karl’s own strategy of attacking the resolve, courage and patriotism of critics rather than trumpeting administration successes shows that given the opportunity Karl would cut and run from the record and facts if he was able. The best he can do is ignore the record and distract the rest of us from it. Karl is a genius of political manipulation and for that he has my appreciation and respect. Is it also possible to label Karl as a genius of courage or of ethics? These titles unfortunately elude him. I would settle and would hope for a genius of policy somewhere in the halls of the White House. Karl’s good at what he does, but he does not add value to the political process only noise and distraction. We all have our talents and Karl Rove certainly has his.


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