Saturday, October 21, 2006

November's Importance

Most polls show grim prospects for the Republican Party this November. Failed policies and a failure of ethics and moral leadership have left the American public weary of the current leadership. Collectively we are ready for a change. Democrats are excited about their chances to do well in the coming elections. There is energy and a skip in their step that has not been seen in quite some time. The magic of the Carl Rove, school of election success, has lost its shine. Republican voters are feeling used and unheard by those that they have sent to Washington. Once Carl Rove dreamed of a permanent Republican majority. Now those dreams are all but gone. The current political climate is a building to a perfect storm that holds dark clouds for the current Republican leadership.
If the Republicans loose seats and power in congress it will be the first substantive political set back for the party in many years. Perhaps the leadership of the party will look again at the core traditions and ideals that made the party great. Less government intrusion and waste was once a core ideal of the GOP. Now it seems to be no more than a talking point to those that have relied on conservative voters for positions of power. I am certain that conservative voters will return to the party when the party returns to the conservative voter. Even if they loose this November the Republican Party will be grand once again.
For Democrats this election cycle is far more important. Every expectation is that they will do well in the coming election. The continued viability of the party demands that things go well this time around. If Democrats can’t win now, when can they? The party is in the driver’s seat but also behind the eight ball. Taking back the Senate and or the House will only confirm what everyone has been saying. A loss now by Democrats would doom the party to a position of an ineffectual, minority opposition party for years to come. Chances of a Democrat winning the White House in 2008 would diminish 10 fold if the party can’t even win a handful of key local races. If Republican voters are disillusioned with their election winning representatives how will Democratic voters feel about their parties inability to win. A loss in November for Republicans will be a bump in the political road that they will recover from. A loss by Democrats could turn into a chasm that they may never recover.
Put in this context the coming election has huge importance for both parties. If you believe that the best thing for the county is unobstructed Republican rule now is the time to make that dream happen. Rally the conservative base around your flawed representatives and secure Republican power for another generation. By delivering such a stunning defeat in the face of such a negative tide of failed policy and scandal this vote could end the political aspirations of Democrats to the point where a third party would have to immerge to fill the power void.
The message to Democrats of course is not to believe the hype of polls before the votes are counted. This is an excellent opportunity for the Democratic Party to show what they can do to solve the difficult problems we face as a nation. If they win back the Congress it will be up to them to offer imperfect solutions to complicated problems. The mistakes and missteps will now made by Democrats instead of Republicans. Can they do better than the current leadership? We will only know if they win. If you are a Democrat and really want your party to have a chance to take the burden of power, then you have to get out there and do your part. The future of your party depends, now more than ever, on your vote.
The higher the expectation the more pressure is put on those to fulfill what is expected. The greater the victory when expectations are overcome. Every election is important, as is every vote. This election cycle is no exception, but the stakes might even be higher that most of us realize.


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