Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Libby's Reward

Lewis Libby was convicted last week on 4 of 5 counts brought against him including lying under oath and obstruction of justice. He was not charged in leaking the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame, which is what started this whole scandal in the first place. The question the administration doesn't want to be asked is: If he didn't leak the name why would he bother to lie. Prosecutors only had enough evidence to show that Libby was protecting someone and couldn't prosecute past that point.
Lewis Libby was Dick Cheney's chief of staff until the scandal broke, linking the white house with a politically motivated smear campaign against Joe Wilson. The whole situation is very complicated and only made more muddled by the Libby trial. This has been a boon for the administration to be able to air their dirty laundry in plain sight where no one can see or understand it. At the end of the day Lewis Libby will go to jail and the case will be closed and forgotten. This also works in the best interest of the administration eager to put this story to rest.
Until the time comes to see today's events in the context of history will the Plame affair announce its full relevance. By taking the time to pull the details of this story apart the perspective and tactics of those in power today become revealed with a clarity that only this case could provide.
The theme of sacrifice has been strongly promoted by the administration. Our military has paid the most, but our civil liberties, economy and Lewis Libby have all given to the cause of advancing the agenda and world view of those with the ability to steer the destiny of the country and the world. What have we gotten in return for our investment?
Lewis Libby will receive a jail cell. For many thousands of others, the bravest amongst us, the gratitude shown for their service by those in power is even less. The failings of Walter Reed Hospital to give proper care to this country's heroes makes me wonder about the conditions of the prison Libby is headed to. In light of recent reports on the level of out patient care which would you choose?
Mr. Libby will soon become a healthy man in a jail. Fed and sheltered for the length of his sentence he will use the time, most likely, to write a book. He will publish, make millions and retiring from the stress of public service live free from future worries. Because like the common soldier he will only be a footnote of history, barely mentioned next to the great names of power. Meanwhile, wounded service men and women returning from war have been cheated from the care and support that by any measure could be called adequate. Both Libby and the common soldier have made sacrifices in the defense of choices made by those in the position to lead. Only Libby, will live in the lap of luxury for the rest of his days for his trouble.


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