Friday, May 04, 2007

Schroedinger's Cat

Here we go again with this damn cat. I thought I was through with partial physics and the philosophy of the nature of existence. Unfortunately I got suckered into the conversation again and now I have that damn cat running around in my head looking for answers. The only way to get it out is to say a few words on this famous cat in the box.
For those of you that don't know about the cat, here is a brief summary of the concept. Erwin Schroedinger proposed an experiment which put a live cat in a sealed box fitted with a trigger device to kill the cat if a single particle is released from a radioactive substance. The quantum problem is that, according to particle research it is possible for the particle to be inside the atom and released from the atom at the same time. So as long as you don't look in the box the cat will remain in a superpositional state both alive and dead at the same time. So if you asked a particle physicist is the cat alive or dead they would answer you with a simple: Yes.
Some suggest that this shows the potential for illustrating multiple realities. As a particle can exist in two places at once then there are two equally valid realities for the cat. In one we open up the box and the cat is alive and in another the cat is dead. This to me is lazy reasoning and I suggest another opinion on this subject. All matter is made up of energy. It was an explosion of energy that came from the big bang and all matter comes from that initial release. We understand matter to a great degree. It was Newton that got us to the moon after all, without any help from Einstein or Hawking. But as we get down to subatomic particles they are near the threshold of the line between matter and energy. Energy and the four basic forces of the universe aren't nearly as well understood as gross matter is. However, theorists want to talk about particles in materialistic terms. This causes the paradoxes we see regarding this cat.
Matter moving at the speed of light squared equals energy. This is the reverse of Einstein's famous equation. It works in both directions and the universe is the best example. Matter as it nears the moment becomes pure energy and stops behaving as predictably as matter should. This shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone, since we don't really have a great grasp on how pure energy works in the universe. As long as gravity is a fundamental mystery in its workings it should come to no surprise that particles are no less mysterious. The research should shift in focus from trying to detect particles to detecting the energy and the forces effecting it. When a quirky quark zips this way or that its because, like a quarter dropped in water, it's effected by something we don't have the tools to observe or yet understand.
The physicist might argue that not only do these particles zig and zag but also change their nature and orientation seemingly at random. Fine. Then change the water in the model to a vat filled with clear acid. The quarter still flips and turns from unseen forces but also degrades and changes chemical properties as it moves in the “ether.” Besides, even if I am wrong; According to the theory, somewhere, in some other universe: I'm right.


Blogger Bob Harrison said...

The answer, of course, is the sound of one hand clapping.

11:36 PM  

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